Asta Pravilonytė

Every manager can call him or herself a good strategist if he or she only works within an environment that is favourable; however, it is only in times of stress that one truly learns what one's capabilities are!

















 Thursday, 17 March 2011

Could the eternal engines be created?


Uncontrollable disasters sweep created wealth momentary and remind about the humans’ vulnerability against the nature powers. Destructive earthquake, tsunami and the explosion of nuclear power reactors in Japan weakened Japanese stock markets and coursed self-acting decline in global markets.
According to the direct damages, the companies those infrastructure were destroyed and production suspended as well as insurance companies may have a long lasting exposure to Japan. However, shares of rebuilding companies and producers of alternative energy resources may keep accelerating.

Beside the material losses in Japan, the explosion of the nuclear power reactors rise global concerns regarding the benefits of their efficiency versus risks due to radiation. Thus, after the Japan’s disaster the most attention may be shifted to better utilization of the nature powers such as wind, solar, water and thermal heat for generating practically eternal engines.

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